Episode 39 - Streaks (Don't Talk About Them, Just DO Them)

On this episode, we mostly talk about streaks and how they can help you achieve your goals and how various people think about streaks, what goals they try to achieve/maintain using streaks, how people track their streaks, and other related topics. Streaks, both health and wellness as well as life streaks that have nothing to do with health and wellness (career, family, relationships, hobbies, self improvement, continuous improvement, etc. etc.) can be a spectacular way to be accountable to your goals. And, in our experience, having both health and wellness and life goals (i.e., being well-rounded in life in general including with streaks) increases the chance of sustaining good health and wellness habits going forward, vs being too extreme where one oscillates between executing health and wellness goals while neglecting life goals (streaks), and vice versa (where this cycle repeats and repeats over time where one is healthy for a while neglecting life goals, then one focuses on life goals and neglects health and wellness goals, REPEAT. True health and wellness mastery happens in life when one can incorporate and prioritize health and wellness into life along with other life goals (vs being too extreme on one end or the other). This almost always requires lifestyle changes to accomplish, but it worth it!

This was recorded on June 9, 2021

James BalcomComment